First, there was sky, sea and only then land.
Endless wilderness, surrounded by the sea.

Inhabitants of the universe, the gods, moved among them unrested.
Their numbers reached dozens. Desolation, an infinite universe, then the war broke out.


It is said that only at a time of great distress, and at a time of violent, blood filled civil war, a moment before the end, a moment before complete oblivion.

Sonar, the almighty creature of the world, the father of the gods, the great mother god, the black god, the changer of worlds, will appear and split the earth into two halves, for the great Mediteranos warriors to rise from the deep.


The Flood Is Coming

في البدء كانت سماء، بحر، وفقط بعدئذ أرض قفراء لا نهائية، مُحاطة بالبحر.

سكان الكون، الآلهة، تحركوا بين بعضهم البعض بعدم راحة. عددهم وصل إلى العشرات. قفر، كون لانهائي، وعندها انفجرت الحرب.

يُقال إنه فقط عند وقت الضيق والمحنة، والحرب الأهلية الدموية، لحظة قبل النهاية، لحظة قبل الضياع التام.

سونار، المخلوق الأكبر في الكون، أبو الآلهة، إله الأم العظيمة، الإله الأكبر، الإله الأسود، مغيّر العوالم سوف يظهر ويشق الأرض إلى نصفين، ومن الأعماق سيُبعثون أحياء محاربو المديتِرانوس الأشاوس.

الطوفان آتٍ

From the vaults ov 𝔓𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔢
MEDS is an independent music and art label that rooted the basis of its idea; Developing our own voice, igniting the fire within and exploring unknown territories.


Man of Many Faces ☾ Hails from the land of water and smoke, but never goes. He never left but is never there. Always missing yet never missed.  An explorer of worlds, from within themselves.

Erorrist O☾ Ghostovmyself  Ritualistic duality of implied notions, exploring the unknown. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

YAM ~~~ Her sound sometimes a calming flow, on others like a blow after blow. Even though she’s blue as you know, when the sun shines she sparkles and glows. If you want to swim, go slow, her embrace is tender, still she can drown you though.

00970 Represents a sonic pentagram, depicted in different souls originating from one acoustic body, while infusing it with its own spirit. The vertices of the sonic map, shape a dark potential path out of that hypnotic place.

Roxanne Informed by the Peacock she says: Oh ye Wise who take yerselves for fools, Ye been conceived by snakes, So make use of them as yer tools, As a dove ye must yield fire to know a haven, So use this Eye I give you, and behold the Qiyamat of the Raven.